Saturday, December 12, 2020

特讯 56:针对实质受益人,2016年公司法令的三个关键点 [3 key limbs of the Companies Act 2016 on Beneficial Ownership]

1. 针对实质受益人【beneficial owners】,2016年公司法令第56条文,提出三个至关重要的点

2. 第一个关键要点是 - 第56(1)条文阐明:

~ 公司有权根据此条文,以书面形式向公司的成员发出通知:

~ 以确认该持有任何有表决权的成员,其身份究竟是实质受益人,还是只是作为受托人【即:代理人身份】。

~ 如果该成员是以受托人身份持有股份,那么他就需要披露受益人【简单来说,就是他背后那位人士】的身份和详细信息。

~ The company has the power under section 56(1) to issue a notice in writing to a member of the company to provide confirmation whether the member holds any voting shares as beneficial owner or as trustee. 

If the member is holding it as trustee, then to disclose the identity and particulars of the beneficiary.

3. 第二个关键要点是 - 第56(2)条文阐明:

~ 公司有权根据此条文,向任何在公司拥有表决权权益的其他人士发出书面通知。

~ 接到有关书面通知的其他人士,将会被要求确认其身份究竟是实质受益人,还是只是作为受托人【即:代理人身份】。

~ 同样的,如果此人的身份是受托持有人【代理人】,那么就应披露受益人的身份和详细信息。

~ the company has the power under section 56(2) to issue a notice in writing to any other person who has an interest in any of the voting shares in the company. 

~ The notice to this other person will require the person to provide confirmation whether the person holds the voting shares as beneficial owner or as trustee. Similarly, if this person is holding it as trustee, to disclose the identify and particulars of the beneficiary.

4. 第三个关键要点是 - 第56(6)条文阐明:

~ 马来西亚公司委员会【SSM】,证券交易所【Bursa】或证券委员会【SC】可以此条文行使其权力。

~ 这些监管单位,可以向公司发出书面通知,要求公司根据第56(1)或(2)条文行使其权力,并立即向监管单位提供所获得【关于实质受益人】的信息。

~ The third limb is where the Companies Commission of Malaysia, a stock exchange or the Securities Commission can exercise its power under section 56(6). 

~ Such a regulator can issue a notice in writing to the company for the company to invoke its powers under section 56(1) or (2) and to immediately provide the regulator with the information obtained.

5. 万一有任何公司没有遵循这三个条文的话,针对所面临的刑罚,第56条文本身并没有阐明

6. 因此,将引援2016年公司法令第588条文的"一般罚款规定",即: 一经定罪,可处:

~ 罚款不超过50千令吉;或

~ 最高三年的监禁,或

~ 两者兼施。

7. 此系列的文章:

A) Issue No. 57/2020 - 打击贪污、洗黑钱,政府推出新措施 [Malaysia Introduces Mandatory Disclosure of Beneficial Ownership]


B) 特讯 53:实质受益人知多少 [Beneficial Ownership : Out of the Shadows]


C) 特讯 54:法人的实质受益人报告框架指南 [Reporting Framework for Beneficial Ownership [BO] of Legal Persons]


D) 特讯 55:2016年公司法令下关于实质受益人的条文 

[Relevant provisions in the Companies Act 2016 on beneficial owners]




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