Saturday, January 29, 2022

7. Labour Court Proceedings [职场必备法律知识 - 劳工法庭诉讼程序]

1. The procedure for filing a complaint with the labour courts is informal and reasonably straightforward. I benefited from the opportunity to observe the Subang Jaya labour court's hearing rooms and learn about how this quasi-judicial function is performed.

2. When a person files a formal complaint with the Labour Department about non-compliance with the Employment Act or a clause in the Employment Contract with monetary implications, the other party involved will be summoned to the Department for an interview in order to determine whether or not he/she is liable for the claim.

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1. 向劳工法庭提交投诉的程序是非正式的,而且相当直截了当。我受益于有机会观察梳邦再也劳工法庭的听证室,并了解这种准司法职能是如何履行的。

2. 当一个人就不遵守《1955年劳工法令》或雇佣合约中涉及金钱的条款向劳工部提出正式投诉时,涉及的另一方将被传唤到劳工部进行面谈,以确定他/她是否对索赔负责。

3. 加入我们的 Telegram -



Essential Legal Knowledge for the Workplace

1. Malaysian Labour Law and Dispute Resolution System


2. The Employment Act 1955 [1955 年劳工法令]

3. Industrial Relations Act 1976 [1976 年劳资关系法令]

4. Labour Department [劳工部]

5. The function of the Department of Industrial Relations [劳资关系部的职能]

6. Jurisdiction and Powers of the Courts – Labour Courts
[法院的管辖权和权力 – 劳工法庭]

7. Labour Court Proceedings

8. Responsibility of Labour Officers

9. What cases can be brought to the Labour Court - 1
[哪些案件可以提交到劳工法庭 - 1]

10. What cases can be brought to the Labour Court - 2
[哪些案件可以提交到劳工法庭 - 2]

11. What cases can be brought to the Labour Court - 3
[哪些案件可以提交到劳工法庭 - 3]

12. What can be done against Employees who are Absent Without Permission

13. Can a party at the Labour Court be represented by a Lawyer or Other Person?
[劳动法庭的当事人 能否由律师或其他人员代表?]



1. 2021年劳工(修正)法案
[The Employment (Amendment) Bill 2021]


Employment and Staff Handbook Policies / 员工手册系列篇

Disclaimer: All of the samples presented here are offered solely for educational reasons.

Please keep in mind that, even if the information supplied is practical, there is no assurance as to its correctness or legality. Visitors from all over the world come to our website to read the articles, and each company is unique. Consequently, # it is equally important to check with a lawyer or human resources professional to verify that your legal interpretations and judgments are accurate for your current circumstance].

The employer is highly urged to have the policy examined by a lawyer before it is distributed to employees if the policy has legal ramifications, is inherently litigious, or has a personal impact on employees (e.g., security protocols).

Communicate with your lawyer and have the lawyer analyse the legal ramifications and suitable language of the policy.

免责声明 - 所有以下所提供的样本只供参考而已:

✅ 请注意,所提供的信息虽然实用,但不保证其准确性和合法性。 此网站由世界各地的读者阅读,每家公司的情况都不一样。因此,#同样也建议向您的律师或HR顾问咨询,以确保您的法律解释和决定对您当下的状况是正确的]。

✅ 如果政策具有法律影响,本质上就具有诉讼性,对员工有个人影响(如安全程序),用人单位在分发政策之前,强烈建议让律师审查政策。

✅ 确保你与你的律师沟通,让律师审查政策的法律含义和适当的措辞。

1. Employment and Staff Handbook Policies


2. Remuneration


3. No Smoking Policy


4. Drugs Policy


5. Alcohol Policy


6. Severe Weather and Disruption to Public Transport Policy


7. Environmental Policy


8. Communications, Email, and Internet Policy
[通讯电子邮件和互联网政策 ]


9. Whistleblowing Policy
[举报政策 ]


10. Social Media Policy


11. Communications, Email, Internet Policy, and Social Media Policy


12. Company Car Policy


13. Private Car Allowance Policy


14. Emergency Leave for Care of Dependants Policy


15. Employee Search Policy


16.Dress and Appearance Policy


17. Personal Relationships at Work Policy


18. Outside Business Interests Policy


19. Time Off for Medical and Dental Appointments Policy


20. Staff Retention Policy


21. Compassionate Leave Policy


22. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy


23. Mobile Phone Use Policy


24. Political Activity in the Workplace Policy
[工作场所中政治活动政策 ]


25. Work-related Social Events Policy


26. Policy on Religious Observance in the Workplace


27. Notice Periods Policy


28. Retirement Policy



Employee Resignation or Termination of Employment Series

1. Staff Termination and Resignation: Acknowledgement of Resignation


2. Staff Termination and Resignation: Exit Interview Form


3. Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment


4. Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment without Settlement Agreement


5. Staff Termination and Resignation: Letter Placing an Employee on Garden Leave following Resignation
[员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 雇员辞职后休花园假的信函]


6. Staff Termination and Resignation: Letter Enclosing a Settlement Agreement
[员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 附带和解协议的信函]


7. 员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 终止雇用检查表
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment Checklist]


8. 雇主指导说明: 退休人员处理
[Guidance Notes for Employers: Handling Retirements]


9. Staff Retirements - Notification of Intended Retirement Date


10. Staff Retirements - Acknowledgement of Retirement


11. Staff Retirements - Deed of Variation – Retirement Clause
[变更契约 -- 退休条款]


12. Employees Who Resign Without Notice


13. Employers – Employees Labour Disputes in Peninsular


14. Dismissing Employees In Malaysia


15. [The difference between an employee leaving within 3 months and around 2 years is more than you can imagine!

16. Statutory Minimum Wages - Why Pay Raise is Important?
[法定最低工资 – 为什么加薪很重要]


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1. Website ✍️

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6. Jurisdiction and Powers of the Courts – Labour Courts [职场必备法律知识 - 法院的管辖权和权力 – 劳工法庭]

1. There are two separate bodies responsible for resolving and adjudicating labour issues under Malaysia's labour legislation.

👉 Labour Court
👉 Industrial Court

2. The Director-General of Labour in the Ministry will handle claims relating to the Employment Act and certain other disputes arising from the employment contracts.

3. Except for manual workers, the EA is only applicable to employees earning less than RM 2,000 per month in most cases.

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1. 在马来西亚的劳动法规下,有两个独立机构负责解决和裁决劳资问题。
👉 劳工法他
👉 工业法庭 [Industrial Court]

2. 人力资源部的劳工总监将处理与《1955年劳工法令》有关的索赔以及由就业合同引起的其他纠纷。

3. 《1955年劳工法令》在大多数情况下只适用于月收入低于2,000令吉的雇员,除体力劳动者

4. 加入我们的 Telegram -



Essential Legal Knowledge for the Workplace

1. Malaysian Labour Law and Dispute Resolution System


2. The Employment Act 1955 [1955 年劳工法令]

3. Industrial Relations Act 1976 [1976 年劳资关系法令]

4. Labour Department [劳工部]

5. The function of the Department of Industrial Relations [劳资关系部的职能]

6. Jurisdiction and Powers of the Courts – Labour Courts
[法院的管辖权和权力 – 劳工法庭]

7. Labour Court Proceedings

8. Responsibility of Labour Officers

9. What cases can be brought to the Labour Court - 1
[哪些案件可以提交到劳工法庭 - 1]

10. What cases can be brought to the Labour Court - 2
[哪些案件可以提交到劳工法庭 - 2]

11. What cases can be brought to the Labour Court - 3
[哪些案件可以提交到劳工法庭 - 3]

12. What can be done against Employees who are Absent Without Permission

13. Can a party at the Labour Court be represented by a Lawyer or Other Person?
[劳动法庭的当事人 能否由律师或其他人员代表?]



1. 2021年劳工(修正)法案
[The Employment (Amendment) Bill 2021]


Employment and Staff Handbook Policies / 员工手册系列篇

Disclaimer: All of the samples presented here are offered solely for educational reasons.

Please keep in mind that, even if the information supplied is practical, there is no assurance as to its correctness or legality. Visitors from all over the world come to our website to read the articles, and each company is unique. Consequently, # it is equally important to check with a lawyer or human resources professional to verify that your legal interpretations and judgments are accurate for your current circumstance].

The employer is highly urged to have the policy examined by a lawyer before it is distributed to employees if the policy has legal ramifications, is inherently litigious, or has a personal impact on employees (e.g., security protocols).

Communicate with your lawyer and have the lawyer analyse the legal ramifications and suitable language of the policy.

免责声明 - 所有以下所提供的样本只供参考而已:

✅ 请注意,所提供的信息虽然实用,但不保证其准确性和合法性。 此网站由世界各地的读者阅读,每家公司的情况都不一样。因此,#同样也建议向您的律师或HR顾问咨询,以确保您的法律解释和决定对您当下的状况是正确的]。

✅ 如果政策具有法律影响,本质上就具有诉讼性,对员工有个人影响(如安全程序),用人单位在分发政策之前,强烈建议让律师审查政策。

✅ 确保你与你的律师沟通,让律师审查政策的法律含义和适当的措辞。

1. Employment and Staff Handbook Policies


2. Remuneration


3. No Smoking Policy


4. Drugs Policy


5. Alcohol Policy


6. Severe Weather and Disruption to Public Transport Policy


7. Environmental Policy


8. Communications, Email, and Internet Policy
[通讯电子邮件和互联网政策 ]


9. Whistleblowing Policy
[举报政策 ]


10. Social Media Policy


11. Communications, Email, Internet Policy, and Social Media Policy


12. Company Car Policy


13. Private Car Allowance Policy


14. Emergency Leave for Care of Dependants Policy


15. Employee Search Policy


16.Dress and Appearance Policy


17. Personal Relationships at Work Policy


18. Outside Business Interests Policy


19. Time Off for Medical and Dental Appointments Policy


20. Staff Retention Policy


21. Compassionate Leave Policy


22. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy


23. Mobile Phone Use Policy


24. Political Activity in the Workplace Policy
[工作场所中政治活动政策 ]


25. Work-related Social Events Policy


26. Policy on Religious Observance in the Workplace


27. Notice Periods Policy


28. Retirement Policy



Employee Resignation or Termination of Employment Series

1. Staff Termination and Resignation: Acknowledgement of Resignation


2. Staff Termination and Resignation: Exit Interview Form


3. Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment


4. Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment without Settlement Agreement


5. Staff Termination and Resignation: Letter Placing an Employee on Garden Leave following Resignation
[员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 雇员辞职后休花园假的信函]


6. Staff Termination and Resignation: Letter Enclosing a Settlement Agreement
[员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 附带和解协议的信函]


7. 员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 终止雇用检查表
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment Checklist]


8. 雇主指导说明: 退休人员处理
[Guidance Notes for Employers: Handling Retirements]


9. Staff Retirements - Notification of Intended Retirement Date


10. Staff Retirements - Acknowledgement of Retirement


11. Staff Retirements - Deed of Variation – Retirement Clause
[变更契约 -- 退休条款]


12. Employees Who Resign Without Notice


13. Employers – Employees Labour Disputes in Peninsular


14. Dismissing Employees In Malaysia


15. [The difference between an employee leaving within 3 months and around 2 years is more than you can imagine!

16. Statutory Minimum Wages - Why Pay Raise is Important?
[法定最低工资 – 为什么加薪很重要]


👉 Stay in touch with us

1. Website ✍️

2. Telegram ✍️

3. Instagram ✍

4. Blog ✍

5. Google ✍

5. The function of the Department of Industrial Relations [职场必备法律知识 - 劳资关系部的职能]

1. The primary duty of the Department of Industrial Relations is to aid in the preservation of industrial harmony in the business.

2. The Department collaborates closely with the Department of Trade Unions to accomplish this goal.

3. It also recommends to the Government, where necessary, the necessary changes to the relevant laws to bring them into line with the social and economic changes taking place in society.

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1. 劳资关系部的主要职责是协助维护企业的工业和谐。

2. 该部与工会部紧密合作,以实现这一目标。

3. 此外,它还在必要时就相关法律的必要修改向政府提供建议,以使法律与社会中发生的社会和经济变化相适应。

4. 加入我们的 Telegram -



Essential Legal Knowledge for the Workplace

1. Malaysian Labour Law and Dispute Resolution System


2. The Employment Act 1955 [1955 年劳工法令]

3. Industrial Relations Act 1976 [1976 年劳资关系法令]

4. Labour Department [劳工部]

5. The function of the Department of Industrial Relations [劳资关系部的职能]

6. Jurisdiction and Powers of the Courts – Labour Courts
[法院的管辖权和权力 – 劳工法庭]

7. Labour Court Proceedings

8. Responsibility of Labour Officers

9. What cases can be brought to the Labour Court - 1
[哪些案件可以提交到劳工法庭 - 1]

10. What cases can be brought to the Labour Court - 2
[哪些案件可以提交到劳工法庭 - 2]

11. What cases can be brought to the Labour Court - 3
[哪些案件可以提交到劳工法庭 - 3]

12. What can be done against Employees who are Absent Without Permission

13. Can a party at the Labour Court be represented by a Lawyer or Other Person?
[劳动法庭的当事人 能否由律师或其他人员代表?]



1. 2021年劳工(修正)法案
[The Employment (Amendment) Bill 2021]


Employment and Staff Handbook Policies / 员工手册系列篇

Disclaimer: All of the samples presented here are offered solely for educational reasons.

Please keep in mind that, even if the information supplied is practical, there is no assurance as to its correctness or legality. Visitors from all over the world come to our website to read the articles, and each company is unique. Consequently, # it is equally important to check with a lawyer or human resources professional to verify that your legal interpretations and judgments are accurate for your current circumstance].

The employer is highly urged to have the policy examined by a lawyer before it is distributed to employees if the policy has legal ramifications, is inherently litigious, or has a personal impact on employees (e.g., security protocols).

Communicate with your lawyer and have the lawyer analyse the legal ramifications and suitable language of the policy.

免责声明 - 所有以下所提供的样本只供参考而已:

✅ 请注意,所提供的信息虽然实用,但不保证其准确性和合法性。 此网站由世界各地的读者阅读,每家公司的情况都不一样。因此,#同样也建议向您的律师或HR顾问咨询,以确保您的法律解释和决定对您当下的状况是正确的]。

✅ 如果政策具有法律影响,本质上就具有诉讼性,对员工有个人影响(如安全程序),用人单位在分发政策之前,强烈建议让律师审查政策。

✅ 确保你与你的律师沟通,让律师审查政策的法律含义和适当的措辞。

1. Employment and Staff Handbook Policies


2. Remuneration


3. No Smoking Policy


4. Drugs Policy


5. Alcohol Policy


6. Severe Weather and Disruption to Public Transport Policy


7. Environmental Policy


8. Communications, Email, and Internet Policy
[通讯电子邮件和互联网政策 ]


9. Whistleblowing Policy
[举报政策 ]


10. Social Media Policy


11. Communications, Email, Internet Policy, and Social Media Policy


12. Company Car Policy


13. Private Car Allowance Policy


14. Emergency Leave for Care of Dependants Policy


15. Employee Search Policy


16.Dress and Appearance Policy


17. Personal Relationships at Work Policy


18. Outside Business Interests Policy


19. Time Off for Medical and Dental Appointments Policy


20. Staff Retention Policy


21. Compassionate Leave Policy


22. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy


23. Mobile Phone Use Policy


24. Political Activity in the Workplace Policy
[工作场所中政治活动政策 ]


25. Work-related Social Events Policy


26. Policy on Religious Observance in the Workplace


27. Notice Periods Policy


28. Retirement Policy



Employee Resignation or Termination of Employment Series

1. Staff Termination and Resignation: Acknowledgement of Resignation


2. Staff Termination and Resignation: Exit Interview Form


3. Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment


4. Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment without Settlement Agreement


5. Staff Termination and Resignation: Letter Placing an Employee on Garden Leave following Resignation
[员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 雇员辞职后休花园假的信函]


6. Staff Termination and Resignation: Letter Enclosing a Settlement Agreement
[员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 附带和解协议的信函]


7. 员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 终止雇用检查表
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment Checklist]


8. 雇主指导说明: 退休人员处理
[Guidance Notes for Employers: Handling Retirements]


9. Staff Retirements - Notification of Intended Retirement Date


10. Staff Retirements - Acknowledgement of Retirement


11. Staff Retirements - Deed of Variation – Retirement Clause
[变更契约 -- 退休条款]


12. Employees Who Resign Without Notice


13. Employers – Employees Labour Disputes in Peninsular


14. Dismissing Employees In Malaysia


15. [The difference between an employee leaving within 3 months and around 2 years is more than you can imagine!

16. Statutory Minimum Wages - Why Pay Raise is Important?
[法定最低工资 – 为什么加薪很重要]


👉 Stay in touch with us

1. Website ✍️

2. Telegram ✍️

3. Instagram ✍

4. Blog ✍

5. Google ✍

Additional Paid Public Holidays for Private Sector Employees in the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur in this CNY? [在这个春节里,吉隆坡的私人界雇员是否享有额外带薪公共假期呢]

1. Whether there are Additional Paid Public Holidays for Private Sector Employees in the Federal  Territories of Kuala Lumpur in this CNY or not, we need to refer to the Employment Act 1955, or to the Employment Contract.

2. I would like to summarise the possibilities that may arise.

👉 As is customary, February 3 will be an additional paid public holiday.

👉 If the employer has not declared Chinese New Year a paid public holiday, everyone will receive a paid holiday on February 1 but must report to work on February 2 and 3.

👉 If a company declares Chinese New Year a paid public holiday but does not implement a substitution leave policy, the employee is only entitled to two days of paid leave on 1 and 2 February.

3. To download -


1. 究竟有没有补假,我们需要参照1955年劳工法令,又或者是雇佣合约的。

2. 我总结一下,会出现的几种可能性:

👉 2月3日会是补假,这是在一般的情况下

👉 如果公司没有把华人新年列为公司的带薪公共假期,那么大家就只有2月1日这一天享有带薪假期

👉 如果公司有把华人新年列为带薪公共假期,但是没有补假的制度,员工的带薪假期就只是2月1日及2月2日这2天

3. 下载 -




Essential Legal Knowledge for the Workplace

1. Malaysian Labour Law and Dispute Resolution System


2. The Employment Act 1955 [1955 年劳工法令]

3. Industrial Relations Act 1976 [1976 年劳资关系法令]



1. 2021年劳工(修正)法案
[The Employment (Amendment) Bill 2021]


Employment and Staff Handbook Policies

#所有以下所提供的样本只供参考而已 [免责声明]:

✅ 请注意,所提供的信息虽然实用,但不保证其准确性和合法性。 此网站由世界各地的读者阅读,每家公司的情况都不一样。因此,#同样也建议向您的律师或HR顾问咨询,以确保您的法律解释和决定对您当下的状况是正确的]。

✅ 如果政策具有法律影响,本质上就具有诉讼性,对员工有个人影响(如安全程序),用人单位在分发政策之前,强烈建议让律师审查政策。

✅ 确保你与你的律师沟通,让律师审查政策的法律含义和适当的措辞。

1. #员工手册政策
[Employment and Staff Handbook Policies]


2. #薪酬政策 [Remuneration]


3. #禁止吸烟政策 [No Smoking Policy]


4. #药品政策 [Drugs Policy]


5. #酒精政策 [Alcohol Policy]


6. #天气恶劣和公共交通中断政策
[Severe Weather and Disruption to Public Transport Policy]


7. #环境政策 [Environmental Policy]


8. #通讯电子邮件和互联网政策 [Communications, Email, and Internet Policy]


9. #举报政策 [Whistleblowing Policy]


10. #社交媒体政策 [Social Media Policy]


11. #通讯电子邮件互联网政策和社交媒体政策
[Communications, Email, Internet Policy, and Social Media Policy]


12. #公司车政策 [Company Car Policy]


13. #私家车补贴政策 [Private Car Allowance Policy]


14. #照顾家属的紧急假政策 [Emergency Leave for Care of Dependants Policy]


15. #工作人员搜查政策 [Employee Search Policy]


16. #着装政策 [Dress and Appearance Policy]


17. #职场人际关系政策 [Personal Relationships at Work Policy]


18. #公司外的商业利益政策 [Outside Business Interests Policy]


19. #医疗和牙科预约政策 [Time Off for Medical and Dental Appointments Policy]


20. #员工保留政策 [Staff Retention Policy]


21. #恩恤休假政策 [Compassionate Leave Policy]


22. #员工自携电子设备政策 [Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy]


23. #手机使用政策 [Mobile Phone Use Policy]


24. #工作场所中政治活动政策 [Political Activity in the Workplace Policy]


25. #与工作相关的社交活动政策 [Work-related Social Events Policy]


26. #工作场所的宗教信仰政策 [Policy on Religious Observance in the Workplace]


27. #通知期限政策 [Notice Periods Policy]


28. #退休政策 [Retirement Policy]



Employee Resignation or Termination of Employment Series

1. 辞职确认
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Acknowledgement of Resignation]


2. 辞职面试表格
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Exit Interview Form]


3. 解除合约
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment]


4. 作出赔偿的合约解除
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment without Settlement Agreement]


5. 员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 雇员辞职后休花园假的信函
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Letter Placing an Employee on Garden Leave following Resignation]


6. 员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 附带和解协议的信函
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Letter Enclosing a Settlement Agreement]


7. 员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 终止雇用检查表
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment Checklist]


8. 雇主指导说明: 退休人员处理
[Guidance Notes for Employers: Handling Retirements]


9. 雇员退休计划通知
[Staff Retirements - Notification of Intended Retirement Date]


10. 雇员退休确认书
[Staff Retirements - Acknowledgement of Retirement]


11. Staff Retirements - Deed of Variation – Retirement Clause
[变更契约 -- 退休条款]


12. Employees Who Resign Without Notice


13. Employers – Employees Labour Disputes in Peninsular


14. Dismissing Employees In Malaysia


15. 员工3个月内和2年左右离职,差别超乎你的想象!
[The difference between an employee leaving within 3 months and around 2 years is more than you can imagine!]

16. Statutory Minimum Wages - Why Pay Raise is Important?
[法定最低工资 – 为什么加薪很重要]


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4. Labour Department [职场必备法律知识 - 劳工部]

1. Every state has a branch of the Labour department, which is part of the Ministry of Human Resources. According to the Employment Act 1955, the Department has the authority to ensure that employers comply with employment-related statutory provisions. 

2. Inspectors from the Labour Department must carry official identification cards, which must be given to the employer upon request for verification.

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1. 劳工部是人力资源部管辖的其中一个单位,每个州属都会有一个劳动部门分行。根据《1955年劳工法令》,该部门有权确保雇主遵守与就业有关的法定条款。

2. 劳动部门的检查员必须携带官方身份证,在雇主提出要求时,必须将身份证交给他们,以便核实。

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Essential Legal Knowledge for the Workplace

1. Malaysian Labour Law and Dispute Resolution System


2. The Employment Act 1955 [1955 年劳工法令]

3. Industrial Relations Act 1976 [1976 年劳资关系法令]

4. Labour Department [劳工部]

5. The function of the Department of Industrial Relations [劳资关系部的职能]

6. Jurisdiction and Powers of the Courts – Labour Courts
[法院的管辖权和权力 – 劳工法庭]

7. Labour Court Proceedings

8. Responsibility of Labour Officers

9. What cases can be brought to the Labour Court - 1
[哪些案件可以提交到劳工法庭 - 1]

10. What cases can be brought to the Labour Court - 2
[哪些案件可以提交到劳工法庭 - 2]

11. What cases can be brought to the Labour Court - 3
[哪些案件可以提交到劳工法庭 - 3]

12. What can be done against Employees who are Absent Without Permission

13. Can a party at the Labour Court be represented by a Lawyer or Other Person?
[劳动法庭的当事人 能否由律师或其他人员代表?]



1. 2021年劳工(修正)法案
[The Employment (Amendment) Bill 2021]


Employment and Staff Handbook Policies / 员工手册系列篇

Disclaimer: All of the samples presented here are offered solely for educational reasons.

Please keep in mind that, even if the information supplied is practical, there is no assurance as to its correctness or legality. Visitors from all over the world come to our website to read the articles, and each company is unique. Consequently, # it is equally important to check with a lawyer or human resources professional to verify that your legal interpretations and judgments are accurate for your current circumstance].

The employer is highly urged to have the policy examined by a lawyer before it is distributed to employees if the policy has legal ramifications, is inherently litigious, or has a personal impact on employees (e.g., security protocols).

Communicate with your lawyer and have the lawyer analyse the legal ramifications and suitable language of the policy.

免责声明 - 所有以下所提供的样本只供参考而已:

✅ 请注意,所提供的信息虽然实用,但不保证其准确性和合法性。 此网站由世界各地的读者阅读,每家公司的情况都不一样。因此,#同样也建议向您的律师或HR顾问咨询,以确保您的法律解释和决定对您当下的状况是正确的]。

✅ 如果政策具有法律影响,本质上就具有诉讼性,对员工有个人影响(如安全程序),用人单位在分发政策之前,强烈建议让律师审查政策。

✅ 确保你与你的律师沟通,让律师审查政策的法律含义和适当的措辞。

1. Employment and Staff Handbook Policies


2. Remuneration


3. No Smoking Policy


4. Drugs Policy


5. Alcohol Policy


6. Severe Weather and Disruption to Public Transport Policy


7. Environmental Policy


8. Communications, Email, and Internet Policy
[通讯电子邮件和互联网政策 ]


9. Whistleblowing Policy
[举报政策 ]


10. Social Media Policy


11. Communications, Email, Internet Policy, and Social Media Policy


12. Company Car Policy


13. Private Car Allowance Policy


14. Emergency Leave for Care of Dependants Policy


15. Employee Search Policy


16.Dress and Appearance Policy


17. Personal Relationships at Work Policy


18. Outside Business Interests Policy


19. Time Off for Medical and Dental Appointments Policy


20. Staff Retention Policy


21. Compassionate Leave Policy


22. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy


23. Mobile Phone Use Policy


24. Political Activity in the Workplace Policy
[工作场所中政治活动政策 ]


25. Work-related Social Events Policy


26. Policy on Religious Observance in the Workplace


27. Notice Periods Policy


28. Retirement Policy



Employee Resignation or Termination of Employment Series

1. Staff Termination and Resignation: Acknowledgement of Resignation


2. Staff Termination and Resignation: Exit Interview Form


3. Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment


4. Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment without Settlement Agreement


5. Staff Termination and Resignation: Letter Placing an Employee on Garden Leave following Resignation
[员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 雇员辞职后休花园假的信函]


6. Staff Termination and Resignation: Letter Enclosing a Settlement Agreement
[员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 附带和解协议的信函]


7. 员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 终止雇用检查表
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment Checklist]


8. 雇主指导说明: 退休人员处理
[Guidance Notes for Employers: Handling Retirements]


9. Staff Retirements - Notification of Intended Retirement Date


10. Staff Retirements - Acknowledgement of Retirement


11. Staff Retirements - Deed of Variation – Retirement Clause
[变更契约 -- 退休条款]


12. Employees Who Resign Without Notice


13. Employers – Employees Labour Disputes in Peninsular


14. Dismissing Employees In Malaysia


15. [The difference between an employee leaving within 3 months and around 2 years is more than you can imagine!

16. Statutory Minimum Wages - Why Pay Raise is Important?
[法定最低工资 – 为什么加薪很重要]


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