Wednesday, April 21, 2021

#Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 27 - 成本分摊协议核心要素 – 成本分摊 是否恰当 【Cost Contribution Arrangement - Whether Proportionate Sharing is Appropriate】

 1. 今天看的是,成本分摊协议核心要素 –  成本分摊 是否恰当 

【Cost Contribution Arrangement - Whether Proportionate Sharing is Appropriate】





1. TP: 1 - 转让定价,究竟是骗术还是魔术 
[A critique of Transfer Pricing: It's not art, science - its magic!]


2. TP: 2.1 - 宜家家居玩转转让定价,绝世经典 
[Ikea: flat pack tax avoidance through Transfer Pricing Arrangement]


3. TP: 2.2 - 宜家家居玩转转让定价,2009年至2014年在欧盟避税估计10亿欧元 
[IKEA transfer pricing strategy: disassembly instructions]


4. TP: 2.3 - IKEA 玩转转让定价,天衣无缝大师级的税筹 10亿欧元 
[IKEA transfer pricing strategy: disassembly instructions]


5. TP: 3 - 转让定价: 您需要知道的5件事 
[5 things you should know about Transfer Pricing]


6. TP: 4 - 转让定价: 税基侵蚀和利润转移的由来 
[About BEPS, Base Erosion and Profit Shifting]


7. TP: 5 - 转让定价: 没有最好,只有“被认为”最适合的方式 
[Selection of Methods (How, Why and Use of Methods)]


8. TP: 6 - 谁需要准备转让定价文档 
[Who should prepare Transfer Pricing Documentation]


9. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 7 - 马来西亚的 “转让定价”
[Transfer Pricing In Malaysia]


10. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 8 - 关于”独立交易原则“,马来西亚有什么立法或法规?
[How Malaysia's legislation or regulation make reference to the Arm’s Length Principle?]


11. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 9 - ”独立交易原则“的由来 
[A brief History of the Arm’s Length Principle]


12. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 10 - OECD 转让定价指南在马来西亚所扮演的角色
[Role of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines under Malaysia legislation]


13. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 11 - 马来西亚有任何法律或法规为“关联方”作出定义吗? 
[Any Malaysia legislation or regulation provide a definition of related parties?]

14. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 12 - 马来西亚的转让定价方法 
[Transfer Pricing Methods in Malaysia]


15. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 13 - 马来西亚"转让定价"方法的遴选准则
[Criterion uses in Malaysia for the application of transfer pricing methods]


16. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 14 - 制药行业,如疫苗生产商行业特点及转让定价的问题
[Nature of the business/industry and market conditions of Pharmaceutical Industry]

17. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 15 - 有谁可以做 Transfer Pricing?
[Transfer Pricing Documentation Step BY Step]

18. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 16 - 积极主动准备可能发生的“转移定价”审计
[5 Ways to be Proactive and Prepared for Transfer Pricing Audits]

19. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 17 - “转移定价”,与你有关吗 
[Transfer Pricing, Is it applicable to you]

20. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 18 - “转移定价”的 3A2A法则
[Transfer Pricing - Rule of 3A2A]

21. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 19 - 选择好转让定价的会计师或税务顾问,切实做好关联交易同期资料准备

22. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 20 - 跨国关联企业一般有着共同的目标,并由一个中心进行控制

23. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 21 - 转让定价与国际避税 – 1: 跨国关联企业简介

24. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 22 - 本地公司,也中税收局追查转让定价文档 
【Transfer Pricing Document】

25. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 23 - 成本分摊协议 什么来的 
【Cost Contribution Arrangement】

26. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 24 - 成本分摊协议核心要素 – 参与方 
【Cost Contribution Arrangement - Participants】

27. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 25 - 成本分摊协议核心要素 – 成本
【Cost Contribution Arrangement - Cost】

28. #Transfer Pricing 转让定价: 26 - 成本分摊协议核心要素 – 参与者贡献的数额
【Cost Contribution Arrangement - Contribution】


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