Monday, November 15, 2021

如何像大家姐一样思考:71 - Employees Who Resign Without Notice [员工不告而别,老板能怎样?]

1. As an employer, you're likely to encounter the following challenges with your employees:

👉 Difficult to hire

👉 Difficult to retain

👉 Employees who resign without notice

2. Today, let's explore at what an employer may do if an employee resigns without giving notice

3. Of course, when receiving such a letter from the Department of Labour, the person concerned has the option of:

👉 making such payment to his/her previous employer immediate; or 

👉 going to the Department of Labour to make an explanation or to provide further supporting document


1. 做老板的,所面对的员工问题,基本上有:

👉 难请

👉 难留

👉 员工静悄悄不告而别

2. 今天,我们就一起探讨下,当员工静悄悄不告而别时,老板能怎样?

3. 当然,收到来自劳工部这样的信时,相关人士可以选择即刻作出付款,又或者是前去劳工部作出解说,并提供支援文件,如有

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1. 2021年劳工(修正)法案 
[The Employment (Amendment) Bill 2021]


#所有以下所提供的样本只供参考而已 [免责声明:

✅ 请注意,所提供的信息虽然实用,但不保证其准确性和合法性。 此网站由世界各地的读者阅读,每家公司的情况都不一样。因此,#同样也建议向您的律师或HR顾问咨询,以确保您的法律解释和决定对您当下的状况是正确的]。

✅ 如果政策具有法律影响,本质上就具有诉讼性,对员工有个人影响(如安全程序),用人单位在分发政策之前,强烈建议让律师审查政策。

✅ 确保你与你的律师沟通,让律师审查政策的法律含义和适当的措辞。

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Employment and Staff Handbook Policies

1. #员工手册政策
[Employment and Staff Handbook Policies]


2. #薪酬政策 [Remuneration]


3. #禁止吸烟政策 [No Smoking Policy]


4. #药品政策 [Drugs Policy]


5. #酒精政策 [Alcohol Policy]


6. #天气恶劣和公共交通中断政策
[Severe Weather and Disruption to Public Transport Policy]


7. #环境政策 [Environmental Policy]


8. #通讯电子邮件和互联网政策 [Communications, Email, and Internet Policy]


9. #举报政策 [Whistleblowing Policy]


10. #社交媒体政策 [Social Media Policy]


11. #通讯电子邮件互联网政策和社交媒体政策
[Communications, Email, Internet Policy, and Social Media Policy]


12. #公司车政策 [Company Car Policy]


13. #私家车补贴政策 [Private Car Allowance Policy]


14. #照顾家属的紧急假政策 [Emergency Leave for Care of Dependants Policy]

17. #职场人际关系政策 [Personal Relationships at Work Policy]


18. #公司外的商业利益政策 [Outside Business Interests Policy]


19. #医疗和牙科预约政策 [Time Off for Medical and Dental Appointments Policy]


20. #员工保留政策 [Staff Retention Policy]


21. #恩恤休假政策 [Compassionate Leave Policy]


22. #员工自携电子设备政策 [Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy]


23. #手机使用政策 [Mobile Phone Use Policy]


24. #工作场所中政治活动政策 [Political Activity in the Workplace Policy]


25. #与工作相关的社交活动政策 [Work-related Social Events Policy]


26. #工作场所的宗教信仰政策 [Policy on Religious Observance in the Workplace]


27. #通知期限政策 [Notice Periods Policy]


28. #退休政策 [Retirement Policy]



1. 辞职确认
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Acknowledgement of Resignation]


2. 辞职面试表格
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Exit Interview Form]

3. 解除合约
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment]

4. 作出赔偿的合约解除
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment without Settlement Agreement]

5. 员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 雇员辞职后休花园假的信函
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Letter Placing an Employee on Garden Leave following Resignation]

6. 员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 附带和解协议的信函
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Letter Enclosing a Settlement Agreement]

7. 员工辞职或雇佣合约终止: 终止雇用检查表
[Staff Termination and Resignation: Termination of Employment Checklist]

8. 雇主指导说明: 退休人员处理
[Guidance Notes for Employers: Handling Retirements]

9. 雇员退休计划通知
[Staff Retirements - Notification of Intended Retirement Date]

10. 雇员退休确认书  
[Staff Retirements - Acknowledgement of Retirement]

11. Staff Retirements - Deed of Variation – Retirement Clause 
[变更契约 -- 退休条款]


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